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Customer Relations Coordinator

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Monday, August 6th 2012, 10:40am

DropShipping Orders via Email

How to place DropShipping orders at automatically via e-mail

On e-commerce platforms such as PlentyMarkets, orders can be forwarded automatically to the wholesaler/supplier via email. This has the advantage (especially with DropShipping) that sold items no longer have to be ordered 'manually'.

Here's a quick guide on how to place your DropShipping orders without having to log in to the shop to do so. Please, pay close attention to the following specifications for the structure of such an e-mail. Invalid or missing information may lead to errors. In such cases a DropShipping order will not be triggered and therefore can not be processed by us.

General Settings for DropShipping orders by email:
  • Email format: Text (Content-Type: text/plain), please do not use HTML!
  • Sender: The email address that was used to register at
  • Subject ORDER 12345
    The 5-digit number is just an example and must to be replaced with your customer ID. The subject of the email should not contain any other entries.
  • Recipient email: Only on request!
  • Placeholder names & values: Write them in CAPITAL LETTERS at the beginning of each line; start on the first line!

Content of the e-mail body with necessary placeholders and sample values:
(Information in parentheses is used here only as an additional explanation!)
  • ITEMNO:90100:2 (Item number:Order amount)
  • SHIPMENT:FedEx, DHL, DeutschePost (Optional, choose only ONE of the 3 shipping providers!)
  • LIEFERNAM:Mary Sample (First and last name of your customer)
  • LIEFERFMA:Sample Company (Optional: Your customer's company name)
  • LIEFERSTR:Sample street No.1 (Street name & No. - customer's address)
  • LIEFERPLZ:98765 (Postal code - customer's address)
  • LIEFERORT:Sample town (City/Town - customer's address)
  • LIEFERLND:DE (Country code - customer's address, ISO country code)
  • LIEFERTXT:Information for the customer (Optional)
  • LIEFERNR:152897 (Optional: Reference, Invoice No. for this order - important for tracking)
  • LIEFERTEL:+49/355-654651 (Phone number of your customer - "Country code"/"Area code"-"Tel.-No.")
  • COMMENT:Information for our Shipping Department (Optional, message is only for the employees in our shipping department)

You can order several items in one e-mail by inserting the placeholder ITEMNO with the corresponding item number for each item on a new line.
For a successfully sent e-mail order you will receive an order confirmation as usual, as if you had placed an order manually through our shop system at

EMPTY your shopping cart in the shop, before you send an order by e-mail. Otherwise, it may cause duplicate orders.
In any case, carefully check all order confirmation e-mails that you receive from us!
Even with e-mail orders, shipping will be only after receipt of your payment!

New customers must first register in our shop and place at least one ‘ordinary’ order manually, before using the email order option. Please, be sure to let us know in advance before sending your first order via e-mail (as described above).

For any further questions or improvement suggestions, please use this forum or our contact forms.