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Monday, April 29th 2019, 1:48pm

store-ID is not assigned for some products

Hello,First time export from csv4you to woocommerce will work fine but after doing some updates, updates are not exported to the woocommerce as Store-ID is not assigned for the some products.
Please check screenshot
Woocommerce ID is not assigned here that’s why updates are not working.
I have clicked on 'Load data from store' button also but 1331 products assigned store-ID but more than 600 prodcuts having the issue.
Can you please help me to sortout this issue? Why Store-ID is not assigned for some products?

Thank You!
swap1387 has attached the following file:
  • screenshot.png (65.93 kB - 3 times downloaded - latest: Jan 7th 2020, 2:32pm)


Thursday, May 2nd 2019, 2:03pm

RE: store-ID is not assigned for some products

Hi swap 1387,

since this is a technical question and you have already an open ticket, we have answered there. :thumbup:
As we see it at the moment, your server is so slow, it simply cuts off the connection after a certain amount of listing data has been transferred. ;(

Your technical questions will be answered in via a ticket. :thumbsup:

Best regards, :D
The Support Team at :!: